Valerostudio wrote:The best free engine is Kerkythea because it is truly open source and has no limitations. I would recommend playing with Maxwell if you don't need to render high resolution images. Having your engine stay withing SketchUp is very useful and is a time saver.Have to correct the 'open source' part.
Kerkythea is free, but no open source. But there are some open source renderers (or actually GPL), if really needed; Cycles (Blender), Lux render and Mitsuba are maybe best know.
Kerkythea been proven to work, so it still maybe a fine option.
It applies calculating light paths with simple automatic settings.Some of its exciting features range from indirect illumination, colour bleeding, reflections, refractions, soft shadows, blurry reflections, reflective and refractive caustics and volume scattering. The users only have to edit the materials and click render for getting stunning results.To download the software, click on the following link2) Ariel Vision: This software facilitates realistic rendering of objects and models within SketchUp. It makes beautiful rendered images devoid of applying complex settings. 3) IRender nXt: IRender nXt is a robust plugin that produces photorealistic renderings directly inside Trimble SketchUp. It is very useful for landscape and set designers. The plugin easily transforms designs and models into superior images.
This is a suitable tool for architects to illustrate their building plans. This software is ideal to render SketchUp files.It offers some useful features like rendering at any resolution and quality as well as fine tuned lighting, clearness in lighting capabilities.To download the software, click on the following link4) Raylectron: It can produce simple rendering with elegant photos.The users will be able to edit how the model will appear with different lightning settings, from sun, sky and other settings. The X-ray vision feature facilitates to view interior render devoid of eliminating the exterior.Some of the exclusive features range from capability to stop the render, save it, reopen it later and continue the render.